
Content moderation is the process of monitoring and filtering user-generated content to ensure it complies with community guidelines and legal requirements. It is essential for protecting users from harmful content, maintaining a positive user experience, and complying with regulations.

Greip provides advanced content moderation tools that use machine learning (ML) algorithms to automate the process and help you protect your platform from harmful content.

The Integration Logic

1. Profanity Detection

Endpoint: /scoring/profanity

How it helps:

Detect offensive, inappropriate, or harmful language in user-generated content (e.g., comments, posts, messages). Identify and flag content containing profanity, hate speech, or other prohibited terms. Customize the response to either block the content, flag it for review, or notify moderators.

Key Parameters:

  • text: The text to analyze.
  • listBadWords: Set to yes to return a list of detected bad words.
  • scoreOnly: Set to yes to return only the risk score (useful for quick filtering).

Example Use Case:

A user submits a comment: “This is a terrible product, and I hate it!” Use the /scoring/profanity endpoint to analyze the text. If the text contains profanity or exceeds a risk threshold, flag it for review or automatically reject it.

2. IP Reputation and Threat Intelligence

Endpoints: /lookup/ip, /lookup/ip/threats

How it helps:

Identify users with high-risk IP addresses (e.g., VPNs, proxies, Tor nodes, Bots, Hosting) who may be attempting to bypass content moderation filters. Detect IPs associated with malicious activity or spamming.

Example Use Case:

A user with a high-risk IP submits multiple posts in a short time frame. Use Greip to check the IP’s reputation and flag the user for further review.

3. Email and Phone Validation

Endpoints: /scoring/email, /scoring/phone How it helps:

Detect disposable or temporary email addresses often used by spammers or trolls. Validate phone numbers to ensure they are legitimate and not associated with fraudulent activity.

Example Use Case:

A user signs up with a disposable email address (e.g., temp@mailinator.com). Use the /scoring/email endpoint to flag the account for manual review or block it automatically.

4. User Behavior Monitoring

How it helps:

Use the User Identifier to track user activity and identify patterns of abusive behavior (e.g., repeated posting of inappropriate content). Combine Greip’s data with your application’s logic to detect and block repeat offenders.

5. Customizable Response Formats

How it helps:

Use the format parameter to receive responses in your preferred format (e.g., JSON, XML). Integrate Greip’s content moderation features seamlessly into your application.