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Error Codes
List of any error you might get while using Greip API
Although we strive to provide a seamless and reliable experience, sometimes things can go wrong. In the event of an error, our API provides an error response that contains helpful information to assist you in resolving the issue.
The error response includes the status
, code
, type
, and description
of the error. The status indicates the general category of the error, while the code
and type
provide more specific information about the error.
The description
property provides a detailed explanation of the error and may include suggestions for resolving the issue.
Here is an example of an error response:
Error codes
Code | Type | Description |
101 | invalid_key | The API Key is missing or invalid. |
102 | inactive_user | The API Key owner (the account) is inactive right now. Please contact the support team for more information. |
103 | limit_reached | You reached the usage limit of your account. Please upgrade your subscription or pay any unpaid invoices. |
104 | invalid_params | Please check out the parms parameter’s value. |
105 | plan_expired | Your plan has expired. Renew the subscription to enable using the API. |
106 | flood_detected | Our system has detected too many requests at the same time. Kindly please try to slow down. |
107 | invalid_callback_name | The value of the callback parameter cannot be a function name. |
108 | invalid_format | The value of the format parameter is not a valid format. Use JSON , XML or Newline . |
109 | callback_not_allowed | You can use the callback feature only with the JSON format. |
110 | invalid_language | The value of the lang parameter is not a valid format. Use EN , AR , FR , DE , ES , JA , ZH or RU . |
111 | invalid_mode | The value of the mode parameter is not a valid format. Use test or live. |
112 | invalid_ip | The IP Address is not valid or empty. |
113 | domain_not_whitelisted | You are sending the request from a domain that is not the domain name you set in the API settings of your account’s dashboard. |
114 | security_module_not_allowed | You cannot use the security module in the free plan. Please upgrade your API plan to unlock this feature. |
115 | generic_error | An error occurred while processing your request. Please try again later. |
116 | invalid_country_code | The Country Code is invalid or not found. |
117 | feature_not_available | This feature is not available for your plan, please upgrade your plan first. |
118 | invalid_phone_number | The Phone Number is invalid or missing. |
119 | invalid_email_address | The Email Address is invalid or missing. |
120 | invalid_bin_number | The BIN number is invalid or missing. |
121 | invalid_asn | The AS Number you provided is empty or invalid. |
122 | invalid_iban | The IBAN is invalid or missing. |
123 | invalid_userid | The user identifier is invalid or too long. |
124 | invalid_user_type | The user type is invalid or missing. Use email , phone or user_id . |
125 | invalid_user_value | The user value is invalid or missing (value parameter). |
126 | too_many_deletions | You have reached the limit of deletions for this day. Please wait until the next day to delete more user data. |
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