In the Events and Alerts section, you can keep track of all the events and alerts that triggered in your system. From suspecious IP addresses to fake registration attempts, you can monitor all the activities in your system.

Greip events & alerts section


  • Listing events and alerts: You can list all the events and alerts that triggered in your system.
  • Filtering events and alerts: You can filter the events and alerts based on the event type, risk score, and time period.
  • Viewing event details: You can view the details of an event.
  • Exporting events and alerts: You can export the events and alerts in CSV format.

Event types

  • Suspicious IP: An event that triggered when a suspicious IP address tried to access your system.
  • Profane content: An event that triggered when a user tried to post a profane content.
  • Fraudulent payment attempt: An event that triggered when a user tried to make a fraudulent payment.
  • Fake registration attempt: An event that triggered when a user tried to register with fake information.
  • Invalid IBAN: An event that triggered when a user tried to use an invalid IBAN.

You can click on the User Identifier from the events page to copy it to your clipboard.